Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Consumer bureau: Now, it can do something

@CNNMoney January 5, 2012: 5:53 AM ET
New powers come with new director to consumer bureau. But expect challenges as well.New powers come with new director to consumer bureau. But expect challenges as well.
WASHINGTON (CNNMoney) -- With President Obama's recess appointment of a new chief to run the consumer bureau, the agency can flex new powers regulating financial products from non-banks -- including student loan providers, debt collectors, payday lenders, and mortgage originators and servicers.
Obama on Wednesday made a recess appointment of former Ohio attorney general Richard Cordray to be the first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
That move has ignited controversy. Republicans -- who had tried to block a recess appointment for months -- are calling it an unprecedented overstepping of executive powers.
And big business groups from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to the American Bankers Association have said they expect legal challenges -- although no one has stepped forward and said they planned to mount one yet.
"I can't tell you when, but at some point, it's ultimately going to get decided by the courts, and that doesn't help this regulator nor financial regulation," said David Hirschmann, president of the Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is considering a legal challenge.
In the meantime, under Cordray's leadership, the bureau will start tackling industries that have been unregulated for years.

The new pup watching your money

"I am pleased to say that we will now be able to exercise the full authorities granted to us under the law and begin to supervise these nonbanks," Cordray said in a statement on Wednesday.
Perhaps the most pressing new power will be regulation of mortgage originators and servicers, which played a big role in the financial crisis for providing subprime mortgages to families who couldn't afford them in the years leading up to the financial crisis.
Those "toxic" mortgages ended up getting chopped into pieces and bought by big banks. The banks eventually needed government bailouts to prevent a repeat of the Great Depression, according to Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke. Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) is still in trouble in large part due to the remains of bad mortgages on its balance sheets.
Another thing the consumer bureau might be able to do is declare financial products deceptive or abusive and ban them, according to a Treasury Inspector General report.
With a director, the consumer bureau might be able to put teeth behind its work to issue the simpler mortgage disclosure form, which the bureau has been working on, that's due out later this year.
Rich Williams, a higher education advocate for U.S. Public Interest Research Groups (PIRG) said he's looking forward to the consumer bureau's work with student loans, as well as credit cards and debit cards issued on campus. With a director, the bureau can now set rules of the road for all providers of student loans, not just those issued by banks.
"Every year, students graduate owing tens of thousands of dollars before they've even earned their first paycheck," said Williams. "The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau can set rules of the game to rein in the worst abuses in the campus marketplace, and ultimately to drive down the cost of college."
But several business groups for companies that are about to get a new regulator for the first time said they're concerned about the president's move.
The Chamber's Hirschmann and other groups agree with the Republicans' push to replace the director with a board, make the bureau ask Congress for money each year, and bar the bureau from making rules that could threaten the health of financial institutions.
"AFSA remains committed to working with Congress in restructuring the bureau to be more accountable to the American people," said Karen Klugh spokeswoman for the American Financial Services Association, which represents non-bank financial firms, including some that finance auto loans and independent installment loans.


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Cymphonique Miller, Master P's daughter, gets new show on Nickelodeon

From Huffington Post: It looks like Master P's children are determined to be stars like their dad. The rapper's daughter, Cymphonique Miller, will be hitting living rooms everywhere with a new show called "How To Rock," on Nickelodeon and the network is banking on her to turnaround dismal ratings, AllHipHop.com reports.
"We're hoping for great things from Cymphonique-- a big, fat, giant hit," Nickelodeon's president for original programming Margie Cohn said. "That's what I've been working for with this series, so why not say it?"
Miller, 15, is following in the footsteps of her big brother Romeo who also had his own series on the network from 2003 to 2006. She is also mimicking the early success format of stars like Keke Palmer, whose show "True Jackson VP," helped catapult her into the public eye.
Click here to read the rest of this story.


Paris exhibition explores history of 'human zoos'

A fascinating exhibition in Paris explores the history of so-called "human zoos," predominately from Africa, which were the objects of curiosity and fascination in a bygone era.
On view at the famous Quai Branly Museum, it tells the story of the men, women and children, who were shipped to Europe and showcased like zoo animals in circuses, stage shows and reconstructed villages.
The practice, which involved indigenous peoples brought from Asia, Africa, Oceania and America, started in the 16th century and continued until the mid-20th century in Europe and also in the U.S., Japan and Australia.

The exhibition, entitled "Human Zoos: The Invention of Savage", explores these "freak" shows as a mass entertainment phenomenon, which captivated an estimated 1.4 billion spectators who, between 1800 and 1958, marveled at more than 35,000 individuals throughout the world.

The exotic shows began to decline in the 1930s with changing public interest and the advent of the big screen. The last "living spectacles" were Congo villagers exhibited in Belgium in 1958.

The story, told through 600 items and film archives, shows how what started as a curiosity fed into pseudo-science in the mid-1800s, as researchers sought out physical evidence for their theories of differing races.

It brings together shocking and bizarre artifacts ranging from Native American children displayed at fairgrounds; families from Asia and the South Pacific behind railings in European zoos and dancing Zulus on the London stage, which was the world capital of such shows.

Organizers of The Invention of the Savage, which runs until June 2012, say the aim of the exhibition is to explore how Western Societies created a sense of "other" in regard to foreigners, used to legitimize colonization.

The exhibition, curated by former French international footballer turned anti-racism campaigner Lilian Thuram, shows how these "human specimens" and "living museums" when used with propaganda, manipulated westerners into a belief in European superiority. Thuram, who is of Caribbean origin, says the exhibits explain the background of racist ideas and the "fear of the other" which still persists today.

Othello De'Souza-Hartley, a British born visual artist and photographer, says the exhibits demonstrate just how far people are willing to go to "prove their superiority over other races."

"I am putting my trust in the voice of the originator who came up with the idea," says Charmaine Jefferson, Executive Director of the California African American Museum. "If [the exhibition] is as dynamic, investigative and exploratory as it appears to be I'd love to see this shown in the United States."

Curators should not shy away from exploring "extremely sensitive subject matters, particularly when it involves people of African descent," says Jefferson, who runs a Los Angeles-based museum devoted to preserving and promoting the art history and culture of African-Americans.

With the slave narrative, for example, black people "don't always have a pride in keeping that story alive," says Jefferson. Nonetheless, "our Jewish brothers and sisters are vocal about keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive."

These histories need to be told in order for us not to make the same mistakes again, including issues that are the hardest to be told, says Jefferson.

By contrast, Robert J. Benz, Executive Vice President of Atlanta's Frederick Douglass Family Foundation, is more cautious. "The curators should be very careful with the way they present this exhibit," he told theGrio.

"Every big crime has an accomplice," says Benz. "The trans-atlantic slave trade had many including the 'men of science' and journalists that helped popularize the dehumanization of a group in order to facilitate their exploitation."

De'Souza-Hartley says in some ways The Invention of the Savage has some parallels with modern attitudes to race. "When you compare it to the media today" especially the "negative images of black men," he says.

Nevertheless, De'Souza-Hartley, whose work has been featured in a photographic exhibition celebrating cultural diversity at London's National Portrait Gallery, says despite the importance of reflecting on the past, "there needs to be more exhibitions showcasing the work of today's black artists which examine issues and images of modern day society."


Mobil Esemka Jadi Mobil Dinas

Jakarta - Walikota Solo Joko Widodo dan wakilnya Hadi Rudyatmo memakai mobil buatan anak bangsa Esemka Rajawali (SUV) dari SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta dan SMK Warga Surakarta. Hal itu dinilai sembrono oleh Gubernur Jateng Bibit Waluyo karena mobil itu harus memenuhi standar kelaikan dan keselamatan dulu. Namun Jokowi bergeming karena yang paling penting sikap itu untuk mulai menghargai produk dalam negeri sendiri. Bila Anda setuju dengan sikap Jokowi, pilih Pro!


Pelabuhan Muara Angke 'Tempat Jin Buang Anak' Kini Bersolek

Jakarta - Meski telah dibuka sejak 22 Desember 2011 lalu, Pelabuhan Muara Angke, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, akhirnya hari ini diresmikan. Pelabuhan ini beroperasi untuk transportasi orang, barang dan jasa menuju ke Kepulauan Seribu.

Kehadiran pelabuhan ini sudah sangat ditunggu-tunggu masyarakat Muara Angke. Bayangkan saja, setelah 8 tahun terbengkalai, kini pelabuhan itu sudah bisa difungsikan.

Saking lamanya kawasan seluas 3 hektar ini tidak mendapatkan perhatian, dalam sambutannya saat meresmikan pelabuhan, Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo mengatakan bahwa kondisi pelabuhan ini sebelumnya bak tempat jin buang anak.

"Pelabuhan ini masih seperti tempat jin buang anak, karena lokasinya yang ngumpet," kata pria yang akrab disapa Foke ini dalam sambutannya di Pelabuhan Muara Angke, Jakarta Utara, Kamis (5/1/2012).

Alasan Foke mengatakan demikian, karena aksesnya yang sulit terjangkau dan jauh dari keramaian. Meski begitu, Foke yakin ke depan, wajah kawasan ini akan berubah.

"Walaupun sarana dan prasarananya belum lengkap, namun Insya Allah dermaga ini bisa berfungsi dengan baik," tambah Foke.

Sebagai akses menuju kawasan wisata Kepulauan Seribu, selain turis lokal, turis mancanegara pun ramai menggunakan pelabuhan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Foke berharap pelabuhan ini terus berkembang dan menghadirkan daya tarik agar terus diminati.

"Maka itu kita beri kemudahan yang dapat men-support fasilitas, agar pelabuhan bisa berfungsi baik, seperti kebutuhan transportasi yang lebih memadai," tambahnya.

Foke memperkirakan, pelabuhan ini dapat menarik penumpang hingga 500 orang per harinya di hari biasa. Jumlah itu tentunya akan meningkat pada hari libur.

"Maka itu dibutuhkan transportasi yang memadai, kalau nggak mana bisa menarik minat penumpang," tandasnya.

Pantauan detikcom, pelabuhan tersebut letaknya memang menyempil. Sebelum sampai pelabuhan, pengunjung akan menemukan pemukiman kumuh warga tepi laut. Selain rumah yang susunannya tak beraturan, di kawasan ini juga ditemui tumpukan sampah yang membentuk kolam.

Bau menyengat amis air laut, dan ikan yang dijemur warga ditambah 'koleksi' sampah menyambut pengunjung setibanya di pelabuhan yang dibangun seharga Rp 130 miliar itu. Keadaan ini tentu menjadi poin penting dari sekadar fasilitas dan kenyamanan pelabuhan


Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

5 Santri WNI di Yaman Dipulangkan Hari Ini

Lima orang santri asal Indonesia di Yaman akhirnya memutuskan untuk pulang ke tanah air, di tengah konflik berdarah dengan pemberontak al-Houthi. Sementara itu, ratusan santri asal Indonesia lainnya memutuskan untuk tinggal, membela pesantren mereka.

"Kita akan segera menyambut pulangnya lima saudara sebangsa kita dari Yaman. Seperti diketahui, turut jatuh korban beberapa WNI dalam konflik bersenjata yang terjadi di sana," kata Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa, Rabu 4 Januari 2012.

Natalegawa mengatakan bahwa saat ini ke lima WNI tersebut telah dalam perjalanan dari Sanaa dan akan tiba beberapa waktu lagi ke tanah air. Sementara itu, kata dia, masih lebih dari 150 santri lagi yang memilih untuk tinggal.

"Mereka memutuskan untuk tetap bertahan walau sudah didorong dan disarankan untuk meninggalkan pesantren," kata Natalegawa.

Tidak disebutkan nama-nama ke lima WNI tersebut. Direktur Perlindungan Warga Negara Indonesia dan Badan Hukum Indonesia Kemlu RI, Tatang Razak, mengatakan bahwa seorang dari santri yang pulang mengalami luka-luka akibat terlibat pertempuran.

"Salah satunya luka terkena pecahan granat dan masuk rumah sakit. Saat ini pun, pecahan granat tersebut masih ada di dalam tubuhnya," kata Tatang.

Tatang mengatakan bahwa Kemlu sebelumnya telah mengirimkan tim ke Yaman untuk membujuk para santri untuk pulang. Bekerja sama dengan badan terkait, termasuk Bulan Sabit Merah dan Palang Merah Internasional, tim ini berusaha memberikan bantuan logistik dan akses keluar kota Dammaj.

"Tim ini telah bekerja keras selama hampir tiga minggu," kata Tatang.

Kekerasan di Dammaj, Yaman, terjadi pada akhir tahun lalu. Pesantren Darul Hadits yang merupakan tempat belajar santri dari seluruh dunia dikepung dan diserang oleh kelompok pemberontak al-Houthi. Lima orang santri dari Indonesia dilaporkan tewas.

Ratusan santri asal Indonesia di pesantren menolak untuk dievakuasi. Mereka bertahan setelah dikeluarkannya fatwa jihad dari pemimpin pesantren. Menurut pengakuan salah seorang santri, pesantren mereka dihujani peluru dan bom dari pemberontak di atas bukit. (eh)


Rp900 Miliar, Anggaran Pembatasan BBM

Pemerintah menganggarkan dana Rp900 miliar bagi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Alam (ESDM) dalam Anggaran Penerimaan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2012 untuk program pembatasan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) pada bulan April nanti. Namun pengalokasian dana ini masih menunggu kajian dari Kementerian ESDM.

Menurut Wakil Menteri Keuangan, Anny Ratnawati, pihaknya belum menerima laporan dari Kementerian ESDM apakah dana ini turut digunakan untuk penyediaan alat konversi bahan bakar minyak ke gas.

"Tadinya ada rencana juga katanya (alat konversi) bisa dicicil, bisa diberikan potongan harga. Kami masih harus tunggu dulu karena kami belum bisa putuskan tanpa kejelasan dari usulan dan program apa yang akan dieksekusi," ujarnya saat ditemui dikantor Menko Perekonomian, Jakarta, Rabu 4 Januari 2012.

Pemerintah, lanjutnya, dalam menjalankan program pembatasan ini tetap mengedepankan aspek obyektifitas dan efisiensi. Dan program penyediaan alat konversi ini bukanlah yang pertama kali. Sebelumnya Kementerian Perhubungan juga telah menjalankan program ini.

Ditempat yang sama, Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian, Hatta Rajasa, memastikan penyediaan alat konversi ini menggunakan dana APBN. Namun belum diketahui alokasi dana untuk alat konversi ini. "Belum tahu persisnya. Masih dihitung," imbuhnya.

Jangka waktu tiga bulan dirasa Hatta tidak cukup untuk mencapai kesempurnaan. "Kalau saya katakan siap atau semua beralih ke gas, tentu tidak. Secara bertahap semua berjalan," ujarnya.

Pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM akan menyiapkan tim sosialisasi dan pengawasan untuk mendukung kelancaran program pembatasan ini. "Selain itu Pertamina siap bangun LGV dan LNG," ujar Hatta. (eh)
